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The ESL Educator

4 Skills to Teach about New Year's Resolutions

Updated: Dec 27, 2020

As I'm writing this, 2020 is almost coming to an end. And what a year we've had.. I hope you're all enjoying a well deserved break, and let's hope 2021 is going to be a lot better! I'm already thinking about my lessons right after the break, because I feel like it, and here's what I've come up with regarding New Year's resolutions:


Get students to read about New Year's resolutions. What are they? How did they come to be part of our culture? I love this text from Learn English Teens about celebrating New Year's Eve in the UK. It also contains worksheets to help students understand. This text from History about the history of New Year's Eve and traditions is very cool too.


Watch videos or listen to audio about New Year's resolutions. I love this video and its exercises from Learn English Teens. This video by History is cool too, as well as the one by Global News!


What New year's resolutions do your students have? Or their parents? Which one do you have? It's good to make it specific for them what real people set as their goals for self-improvement. Then get them to talk about it together. What categories of goals exist (family, friends, health, school. job) and what are examples within those categories (calling my friends more, eating less sugar)? Maybe have them vote for a class New Year's resolution?


Get student to set goals for the new year! What would they like to improve, or do more of, and what do they want to do less of or what habit will they get rid of?

I have made a New Year's Resolutions exercise booklet with 9 exercises to cover this topic. They will watch a video about a 30 day challenge, they'll read a text about it, they'll speak about it, and eventually they'll create and execute their own 5 day challenge with the goal of self-improvement in the new year! It's always super fun, challenging and engaging, and I can't wait to do it again this year with my kiddos! Check out my resource here!

Or check out this freebie that I made last minute, if it turns out I have less time with my students..

I hope this post gave you some inspiration to teach your students about New Year's resolutions! I wish you a wonderful 2021!

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